![]() 04/01/2016 at 10:59 • Filed to: Jersey | ![]() | ![]() |
So when I was sitting at the dealership signing off on the Si, my mom was on the phone with our local State Farm branch about insurance. The woman told her that I would need my own policy and my mothers eyes started to drift in opposite directions. She flat out said “no” and now my name is on the insurance card.
Here’s the State Farm monthly quote for a 07 Si for a 21 year old male with a clean license in NJ. I can’t wait until I’m 25 and my insurance doesn’t look like this....
Edit: for clearance, I am under my parents insurance still for now so I am NOT paying those insane prices
![]() 04/01/2016 at 11:00 |
something is very off with those numbers....I advise you sign with someone else. at 22 I signed up with geico for a focus st at 60/month
![]() 04/01/2016 at 11:03 |
State Farm is a joke. When my parents kicked me off their insurance when I was 21 I went with progressive and was only paying about 110 a month. Now I’m 26 with two cars on my insurance and I’m paying 109 a month
![]() 04/01/2016 at 11:04 |
The key is to never buy a fun car.
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The best I saw was when I lived in Miami. The quote for decent coverage with a $500 deductible was $1100+ per month. Nothing fancy, either - early 20s, Honda, clean record. Most quotes in Miami were around $350-400/mo. The exact same coverage (from the same company!) in the midwest was about $140 per month.
Also... my insurance dropped maybe a couple bucks per month when I turned 25. It actually went UP a bit when I turned 26. I had a comprehensive claim but no at-fault accidents.
![]() 04/01/2016 at 11:04 |
LOL... Something is NOT right... Even a 16 year old with his own car doesn’t have to pay anywhere as much as this. You’re buying a nice LT1 C4 Corvette every year in insurance only lol. I owned a manual LT1 C4. It;s a lot more fun than insurance!!
Go see an insurance broker. A bit more expensive than usual, but always helpful the first time :)
![]() 04/01/2016 at 11:05 |
Yeah, but then you have to use Geico. Ew.
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For a real laugh - get a quote on an evo
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Never ceases to amaze me. What is it going to look like when you’re 25? I play less annually for the cooper than you would have to pay monthly for the average plan.
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That's NJ for you. I got quotes on a non Si 2012 Civic coupe last year and my insurance wanted $1400 a year for a 39 year old married male with a clean license. Coupe and Si are major no-nos for insurance in Jersey. The coupe was significantly higher than a comparable sedan. And I get the cheap rates. My last car was $400 cheaper than the Civic quote.
![]() 04/01/2016 at 11:06 |
What in the shit? I’m 20 with three cars (‘91 Miata, full coverage/comp/collision, ‘05 Mustang full coverage/comp/collision, ‘97 Buick idfk what) and one at-fault accident and I pay $200 a month through Progressive.
![]() 04/01/2016 at 11:06 |
April Fools?...?
Otherwise, seriously - get a different car. Even if it goes lower by half that’s an absolute waste of money.
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In the U.K. if you are the owner and the main driver of the vehicle, you have to have your own insurance. Another person can be added to it to make it cheaper such as a partner or family member.
![]() 04/01/2016 at 11:06 |
Holy hell that is high. You’re monthly payment is more than my six month premium on a 2016 GTI.
![]() 04/01/2016 at 11:09 |
holy shit. I pay less than that every three months for a car, two motorcycles, and my renter’s insurance.
Fookin’ New Jersey.
![]() 04/01/2016 at 11:23 |
Is this typical NJ stuff? Those quotes are laughable. 4-5K for six months. Just for insurance. What is wrong with the people in NJ that warrant such high premiums?
![]() 04/01/2016 at 11:26 |
I have full coverage on a 600cc sportbike, an 07 Saab, and a 16 Tacoma with 100/300. I pay just under 2 grand for a full calendar year.
Guess I’m never moving to NJ.
![]() 04/01/2016 at 11:27 |
I work in insurance, although in a completely different jurisdiction, but I know enough to say: fuck that shit. With insurance, it's ALWAYS worthwhile to shop around; prices like this are meant to just gouge those who don't shop around. That said, what I've noticed in my jurisdiction is that prices for Civics, let alone Si models, tend to be quite high relative to other vehicles, but not enough to justify this kind of pricing.
![]() 04/01/2016 at 11:32 |
No Fault Insurance. And a high amount of uninsured drivers. And a few Metro areas with shitty crime rates.
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Most densely populated state in the nation.
For a person his age, his gender, and with that car it’s high but not crazy.
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Yeah, you don't want to. I'd say probably 85% of people who live in this state can't wait to get out of here. We also have one of the highest property taxes in the nation.
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you would rather pay 10x more for something your prolly not gonna use anyways?
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A lot of things are wrong with Jersey drivers, but having learned to drive in NY I really have no room to talk :P
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One of?
We’re #1!
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Do you not have an income tax then?
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It's great to be number one. Oh wait...
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I have Statefarm and pay a FIFTH of that for a fucking M3 with full coverage in MN. Something is waaayyy off in that quote.
![]() 04/01/2016 at 11:46 |
Nope, there's an income tax too. About the only thing good about NJ is that we have cheap(er) gas then the surrounding states due to a low gas tax. And, oddly enough, we can't pump our own gas.
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Don’t take this the wrong way but fuck NJ.
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No offense taken. I have 25 years to go, but I'll be damned if I retire in this state, as they tax retirement income too.
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No, don’t put words in my mouth. Odds are getting a quote from Geico will not decrease the quote he gets by 90%. Insurance quotes can vary widely by the car, the driving history, and especially by location. A whole host of other factors can come into play as well.
I would gladly pay extra to not have to use Geico though. In fact, I’m doing exactly that right now.
![]() 04/01/2016 at 11:58 |
what you pay a month, I pay per year, and even then...
700 Canadian a year = about 530.00$ US
And I find what I pay expensive......
![]() 04/01/2016 at 11:58 |
What’s wrong with Geico?
![]() 04/01/2016 at 12:00 |
$8k to insure a car for a year? No way would I even have a car at that point. That isn’t even sustainable.
I would shop elsewhere. At 23 when I had a luxury car (new) and it was $1,800 for the year. (In NJ as well.)
![]() 04/01/2016 at 12:39 |
I did that for shits and giggles
2100 a month
![]() 04/01/2016 at 12:40 |
Welcome to Jersey
Geico and all state are also in the ballpark. Progressive was lower but not enough to justify my own policy
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My county has some of, if not the highest, property tax in the state. NJ as a whole as the highest property tax in the USA.
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Progressive, without full coverage, was around 400 a month. I should run another quote for shits and giggles there
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This is Jersey for you
![]() 04/01/2016 at 13:23 |
I just did an estimate for atlantic city and got 110 from geico so I still think you don’t know what you are doing. if the price was 600 for a civic no one would drive it would be too expensive
![]() 04/01/2016 at 13:44 |
I’ve had them as my insurer (bad) and I’ve had to work with them in multiple instances where another driver hit me (worse).
The most egregious example was me calling them weekly for updates on an accident where their insured was at fault. Three months later, I learned that they somehow thought I was a different person who had been hit by the same driver. They hadn’t even started a claim. My insurance company had been bugging them as well and was as baffled as I was.
I never had a pleasant experience dealing with them, either. Multiple times I had to hang up after long periods on hold.
![]() 04/01/2016 at 13:50 |
That sucks. I've never had that problem with them. I don't have them anymore, but had them when I had to make two claims. Deer hit me once and I hit my mirror once trying to avoid someone. Both instance had the car back in a week completely paid for. No issues, completely smooth sailing.
![]() 04/01/2016 at 14:11 |
How do pizza delivery drivers afford them? Seriously like 3 Evo 9s in my area are pizza delivery cars.